fix tricky dependence case; add defiler.get; remove defiler.depend

This commit is contained in:
Conduitry 2018-03-09 06:01:34 -05:00
parent d81ea12316
commit 91630bb21a
1 changed files with 47 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ let {
} = symbols
@ -68,14 +70,15 @@ export default class Defiler extends EventEmitter {
[_pending]: new Set(), // original paths of all files currently undergoing transformation and symbols of all generators running
[_waiting]: new Map(), // original paths -> number of other files they're currently waiting on to exist
[_available]: new Map(), // original paths -> { promise, resolve } objects for when awaited files become available
[_root]: null, // (via proxy) the root dependent, for use in _dependents
[_dependent]: null, // (via proxy) the immediate dependent, for use in _waiting
[_dependents]: new Map(), // original paths of dependents -> set of original paths of dependencies, specifying changes to which files should trigger re-processing which other files
[_queue]: [], // queue of pending Watcher events to handle
[_processing]: false, // whether some Watcher event is currently already in the process of being handled
// exec
// execute everything, and return a promise that resolves when the first wave of processing is complete
async exec() {
if (this[_status] !== null) throw new Error('defiler.exec: cannot call more than once')
this[_status] = false
@ -101,7 +104,40 @@ export default class Defiler extends EventEmitter {
this[_processing] = false
// post-exec methods
// wait for a file to be available and retrieve it, marking dependencies as appropriate
async get(path) {
if (
typeof path !== 'string' &&
(!Array.isArray(path) || path.some(path => typeof path !== 'string'))
) {
new TypeError('defiler.get: path must be a string or an array of strings')
if (Array.isArray(path)) return Promise.all( => this.get(path)))
if (this[_root]) {
if (this[_dependents].has(this[_root])) {
} else {
this[_dependents].set(this[_root], new Set([path]))
if (!this[_status] && !this.files.has(path)) {
if (this[_dependent]) {
this[_waiting].set(this[_dependent], (this[_waiting].get(this[_dependent]) || 0) + 1)
if (this[_available].has(path)) {
await this[_available].get(path).promise
} else {
let resolve
let promise = new Promise(res => (resolve = res))
this[_available].set(path, { promise, resolve })
await promise
if (this[_dependent]) {
this[_waiting].set(this[_dependent], this[_waiting].get(this[_dependent]) - 1)
return this.files.get(path)
// add a new non-physical file
async add(file) {
@ -116,20 +152,6 @@ export default class Defiler extends EventEmitter {
// mark dependence of one file on another
depend(dependent, path) {
if (this[_status] === null) throw new Error('defiler.depend: cannot call before calling exec')
if (typeof dependent !== 'string' && !this[_generators].has(dependent)) {
throw new TypeError('defiler.depend: dependent must be a string')
if (typeof path !== 'string') throw new TypeError('defiler.depend: path must be a string')
if (this[_dependents].has(dependent)) {
} else {
this[_dependents].set(dependent, new Set([path]))
// private methods
// add a Watcher event to the queue, and handle queued events
@ -181,11 +203,7 @@ export default class Defiler extends EventEmitter {
let { path } = file
try {
await this[_transform]({
defiler: this,
get: dependency => this[_get](path, dependency),
await this[_transform]({ defiler: this[_sub](path), file })
} catch (error) {
this.emit('error', { defiler: this, file, error })
@ -202,30 +220,18 @@ export default class Defiler extends EventEmitter {
let generator = this[_generators].get(symbol)
try {
await generator({ defiler: this, get: dependency => this[_get](symbol, dependency) })
await generator({ defiler: this[_sub](symbol) })
} catch (error) {
this.emit('error', { defiler: this, generator, error })
// wait for a file to be available and mark another file as depending on it
async [_get](dependent, path) {
if (Array.isArray(path)) return Promise.all( => this[_get](dependent, path)))
this.depend(dependent, path)
if (!this[_status] && !this.files.has(path)) {
this[_waiting].set(dependent, (this[_waiting].get(dependent) || 0) + 1)
if (this[_available].has(path)) {
await this[_available].get(path).promise
} else {
let resolve
let promise = new Promise(res => (resolve = res))
this[_available].set(path, { promise, resolve })
await promise
this[_waiting].set(dependent, this[_waiting].get(dependent) - 1)
return this.files.get(path)
// create a sub-defiler proxy for the given path, always overriding _dependent and only overriding _root if it is not yet set
[_sub](path) {
return new Proxy(this, {
get: (_, key) => (key === _dependent || (key === _root && !this[_root]) ? path : this[key]),
// re-process all files that depend on a particular path