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A small, strange building block. https://conduitry.dev/defiler
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2017-04-23 14:33:54 -04:00
src actual build process, linting, formatting, tweaks 2017-04-23 14:33:54 -04:00
.eslintrc.yaml actual build process, linting, formatting, tweaks 2017-04-23 14:33:54 -04:00
.gitignore actual build process, linting, formatting, tweaks 2017-04-23 14:33:54 -04:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2017-04-09 00:52:12 -04:00
package.json actual build process, linting, formatting, tweaks 2017-04-23 14:33:54 -04:00
README.md WIP docs 2017-04-18 16:41:23 -04:00
rollup.config.js actual build process, linting, formatting, tweaks 2017-04-23 14:33:54 -04:00


A small, strange building block.


Defiler is a small build tool framework with strange opinions. It was born out of a desire to redo the build process for my various personal websites. I wanted something that was very flexible, kept everything in memory as it was building, and could handle arbitrary dependencies between files so that when something changed, only the necessary files would be re-built.




  • Node.js v7.6+, as this code uses async/await extensively.
  • Insanity


The API consists of two classes, File and Defiler.




new File(path)

A new File instance to serve as the representation of a physical file, a virtual file, or a transformed file. path is the relative path to the file, from some understood root.



The file's path can be retrieved or updated by getting and setting path.


The file's extension (including the preceding .) can be retrieved or updated by getting and setting path. The ext and path properties are kept in sync.


The file's contents can be updated by getting or setting bytes, which is a Buffer.


The file's contents can also be updated by getting of setting text, which is a string. Mutating the bytes Buffer will not be reflected in text, but reassigning the entire bytes and text properties will keep the other in sync.



new Defiler()



A promise that's resolved once we've completed the initial wave of processing. This remains unchanged as later watches or changes are triggered.


A map of relative paths -> File instances for the original physical files.


A map of relative paths -> File instances for the processed files.


A sorted array of the relative paths of all of the physical files. This can be used whether or not we've completed the initial wave of processing.


addGaze(gaze, rootPath, read = true)

Register a Gaze instance.

  • gaze - the Gaze instance
  • rootPath - the path that all of our paths should be relative to
  • read - whether to actually read in and processes the contents of the files for this Gaze

Returns the Defiler instance for chaining.


Register a new transform to be applied to all files.

  • transform(file) - a transformer function, which is passed a File instance to mutate. In your function, this will be the current Defiler instance. The function should return a promise to indicate when it's done

Returns the Defiler instance for chaining.


Allows conditionally skipping certain transforms in the pipe.

  • condition(file) is passed the File instance. In your function, this will be the current Defiler instance. The function should return true or false

Returns the Defiler instance for chaining.


Allows conditionally skipping certain transforms in the pipe.

Returns the Defiler instance for chaining.


Allows conditionally skipping certain transforms in the pipe.

Returns the Defiler instance for chaining.

addGeneratedFile(path, generator)

Register a new generated file, not directly sourced from a physical file.

  • path - the relative path of the file to register the generator for
  • generator(file) - a function that is passed a new File instance containing only a path, which it should then mutate. In your function, this will be the current Defiler instance. The function should return a promise to indicate when it's done

Returns the Defiler instance for chaining.



Starts the Defiler running. No additional configuration (registering Gazes, transforms, or generated files) can happen after this.


use(path, origin)

Waits for a file or array of files to be ready.

  • path - XXX
  • origin - (optional) XXX

Returns a promise resolving to the File instance or an array of File instances.

If a path origin is passed, origin is registered as depending on the file or files in path. When the file or files in path change, the file at origin will be automatically re-transformed (using refile, below).


Manually re-transform a file. This can be from a physical file or a generated once. Returns a promise to indicate when all processing is complete. re-transforming a physical file will use the version of it that was last read into memory. Re-transforming a generated file will call its generator again.

Returns a promise to indicate when all processing is complete.


Manually insert a non-physical file, running it through all the transforms.

Returns a promise to indicate when all processing is complete.


Close all of the attached Gazes.


Defiler extends Node's EventEmitter, and emits three events.



Copyright (c) 2017 Conduitry

MIT License