Fork 0

initial config

This commit is contained in:
Conduitry 2020-04-05 12:55:01 -04:00
parent 6e57e3756c
commit 0417618833
1 changed files with 61 additions and 0 deletions

index.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
module.exports = {
root: true,
parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 2020, sourceType: 'module' },
env: { es6: true, browser: true, node: true },
extends: ['eslint:recommended'],
rules: {
'no-cond-assign': 'off',
'no-empty': ['error', { allowEmptyCatch: true }],
'no-extra-parens': ['error', 'all', { conditionalAssign: true, returnAssign: true }],
'require-atomic-updates': 'off',
'no-sparse-arrays': 'off',
curly: 'error',
'dot-location': ['error', 'property'],
'dot-notation': 'error',
eqeqeq: ['error', 'smart'],
'no-extra-label': 'error',
'no-floating-decimal': 'error',
'no-multi-spaces': 'error',
'no-sequences': 'error',
'require-await': 'error',
'vars-on-top': 'error',
'wrap-iife': 'error',
yoda: 'error',
'no-use-before-define': ['error', { functions: false }],
'array-bracket-newline': ['error', { multiline: true }],
'array-bracket-spacing': 'error',
'brace-style': 'error',
'comma-dangle': ['error', { arrays: 'always-multiline', objects: 'always-multiline', imports: 'always-multiline', exports: 'always-multiline', functions: 'always-multiline' }],
'comma-spacing': 'error',
'comma-style': 'error',
'computed-property-spacing': 'error',
'func-call-spacing': 'error',
'function-paren-newline': ['error', 'consistent'],
indent: ['error', 'tab', { SwitchCase: 1 }],
'key-spacing': 'error',
'keyword-spacing': 'error',
'linebreak-style': 'error',
'new-parens': 'error',
'no-bitwise': 'error',
'no-lonely-if': 'error',
'object-curly-spacing': ['error', 'always'],
'quote-props': ['error', 'as-needed'],
quotes: ['error', 'single', { avoidEscape: true }],
semi: 'error',
'semi-spacing': 'error',
'semi-style': 'error',
'space-before-blocks': 'error',
'space-in-parens': 'error',
'space-infix-ops': 'error',
'template-tag-spacing': 'error',
'unicode-bom': 'error',
'arrow-body-style': 'error',
'arrow-spacing': 'error',
'no-var': 'error',
'object-shorthand': 'error',
'prefer-arrow-callback': 'error',
'prefer-const': ['error', { destructuring: 'all', ignoreReadBeforeAssign: true }],
'rest-spread-spacing': 'error',
'template-curly-spacing': 'error',